I always thought that playing an insturment would be a really fun thing to do, because I compose songs and so I thought that being able to compose music all together would be a really good hobby to pick up. For those of you that play insturments, kudos to you. Learning an insturment is not easy at all, even those that seem quite simple. In fact, learning an insturment takes as much time as it does when you play sports. You have to be willing to pratice everyday and really concentrate, even not on your best days. Even though learning something completly new seems like it would be a lot of work, in the end it turns out to be a very rewarding thing. I thought learning how to play the guitar would be a really fun thing for me to do, because I am very interested in learning new things and something about knowing that you can do something and that you know that it didnt just come easy to you, you actually had to work can be really rewarding beleive it or not. I always know that trying something and failing is always better than not trying at all.
Guitar lessons went pretty well for me, and although I dont have the "musical ear," as some call it, it still showed me that if I really wanted something than I would go out there and I would try my best. I took lessons at a place called Millard Music House, and it was a really good experience for me. Although I did learn that I move very slowly when it comes to playing an insturment. Although, after a few lessons I wanted to quit, I stuck with it. Lessons, just like most things in life, can be a really "bumpy road" for us. But I learned that you just have to push through the hard times, because thats what make the good times seem so great!

Over all, I came out not that bad. Yes, I dont know everything there is to know, but the important part is that I didnt give up, and thats the most important thing about life. Never give up something you love.
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